Invitation from the Dutch Storytelling Foundation: World Storytelling Day 20 March 2014

In June I represented storytelling Australia (Vic) at the Federation for European Storytelling Conference in Rome and on behalf of the Victorian Tellers, I made many wonderful contacts with individuals and groups across Europe. Here is an invitation to you all from Gottfrid van Eck from the Dutch Storytelling Foundation.  

On March 20th 2014 there will be another World Storytelling Day. This edition will have "Dragons and Monsters" as it's central theme. In the Netherlands we will organize quite a few storytelling events on and around the date of WSD, but what about other countries and participants?

Hopefully you are making plans too in order to stimulate storytelling and make it (more) public.

We'd like you all to contribute to our Dutch World Wide Storytelling Café (in 2 or 3 cities) where short films from national and international storytellers - telling a monster or dragon story - will be shown.

Who of you is willing to make a short movie of a storytelling performance in English (max. 15 minutes), upload it to YouTube of Vimeo and send us a weblink ( before 10 March 2014?

We hope many of you will respond and join in. Perhaps this World Wide Storytelling Café - combining live storytelling with short movies of storytellers - is a good idea for your own country too. Then it will really show that World Storytelling Day is an international initiative.

This recorded event was  in the Netherlands during World Storytelling Day (WSD) in 2012. Back then we were using Skype contact with international storytellers instead of YouTube movies of storytellers as we plan to do in March 2014. But this video gives you a general impression of the World Wide Storytelling café in Amsterdam.

It's fine to record stories with small digital camera's, the short movies (10 - 15 minutes) don't have to be technically perfect.

All the best,

Gottfrid van Eck
Dutch Storytelling Foundation

For those of you who find the filming of a story a stumbling block, let me know, there are several of us with small cameras and you tube accounts who maybe willing to help.

Jackie K

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