Storytelling for Change 15 January - 26 February 2014

Vic Storyteller Kate Lawrence learned of this course and thought it was worth sharing. We do a lot of swapping of information on Facebook but not all of us like connecting via FB so here it is for the bloggers.

Thanks for sharing Kate.

Storytelling for Change
(This  free course involves working in teams either on line or face to face if possible as well as some individual assignments.)

Acumen and The Ariel Group have created a hands-on course to help you develop your practical skills as a storyteller. Whether you work in an office making presentations in the boardroom, as a teacher with 30 to 300 students, interacting with customers, or one-on-one with individuals, using the elements of story bring you closer to your audience. 

Using stories makes your messages memorable, gives your audience something to relate to, and above all captures their attention, motivating and inspiring them in new ways. A story taps into more than one element of communicating. Great storytellers are great communicators and effective leaders.

Acumen believes that storytelling is an essential tool for changing the way the world tackles poverty because it starts with changing conversations around what we see, hear, feel and know to be true. Change leaders see the world’s potential, and tell powerful stories that inspire action. 

More information HERE

Visit Kate HERE

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