Clare Coburn: Talk and Workshop 16 17 May 2014

Dear lovers of creativity
I'm always happy when we turn back the clocks and see the first colour in deciduous trees. Are sunset and sunrise really brighter or am I just noticing them more? Nature embraces transformation so easily--I'm envious, and keen to nourish my own creativity. 

Right now, I'm occupied with a wonderful new project which I hope will lead to a publication of some kind, I'll let you know as it progresses. In the meantime, I have a talk and workshop coming up at the Jung Society on 16 and 17 May where I'll be exploring the themes of change, imagination and creativity in very practical ways.

Both the talk and the workshop will be suitable for people who have absolutely no experience of telling stories and will also offer something if you already use story, creativity and imagination in your work or life. 

For registration and pricing contact Clare:
And now you'll have to click on the link if you're interested in the Jung Society and more information.

Also, come along for some stories at ladders to the moon, 303 High Street, Northcote from 7.30pm 13 April where I will join  other storytellers to tell tales in the traditional style. For just $10 you can enjoy another evening full of stories of wish, wonder and change.



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